
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, a proper diet and exercise are just not enough to get rid of that last bit of unwanted fat. If this sounds familiar, liposuction may be an excellent option for you. With liposuction, Dr. DeLuca can help you correct these unsightly bulges and give you the natural-looking results you desire. Liposuction is primarily used for body contouring. Dr. DeLuca recommends liposuction for healthy men and women that are close to their ideal body weight. If you have localized areas of fat that do not respond to exercise and dieting, then liposuction can help you clear that last hurdle to a great-looking body.

A number of liposuction techniques are available to treat the areas of unwanted fat deposits. Dr. DeLuca prefers the Tumescent technique, noting that with this approach his patients tend to have less bruising and a more rapid recovery than with other techniques. Liposuction involves placing small incisions (approximately the width of your fingertip) in strategic locations to allow for removal of the fat using specially designed instruments (cannulas). Through these small incisions, the fat under the skin can be sculpted and the skin will then shrink down to reshape itself over the treated area. Liposculpture is performed in a similar fashion by using smaller cannulas to further refine the body’s natural contours.

One of the most common questions asked about liposuction is whether the fat removed during the procedure will return if they gain weight. Dr. DeLuca explains to his patients that in adulthood, the number of fat cells doesn’t increase with weight gain, but rather the existing fat cells get larger. With liposuction, the number of fat cells is reduced. They do not ‘grow’ back. However, the fat cells that remain (though smaller in number than before liposuction) can get larger, if a patient starts to gain weight.


Recovery time after liposuction will vary, depending on how many areas are treated. Average recovery time is 5-7 days. Dr. Deluca encourages his patients to get up and about the very next day after the procedure to promote a quicker recovery.

Body image can have a significant impact on a person’s well-being. Following liposuction, most patients will tell you that they fit much better in their clothes and are immensely more confident about their appearance.


Dr. DeLuca is committed to fulfilling his patients’ aesthetic visions and obtaining absolute patient satisfaction. Book an appointment today and let Dr. DeLuca guide you in developing your personal approach to achieving your aesthetic goals.

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DR.DELUCA Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
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