

A blepharoplasty is performed to reverse the aging appearance of the upper and lower eyelids by removing drooping or loose skin and the bulging fat that gets progressively worse with age.

A youthful appearance is often defined by an individual’s eyes. Alone or together, loose, hanging upper lid skin or bulging lower eyelids with sagging skin project the image of a tired, older individual. A relatively simple procedure can be performed to address both conditions and restore a livelier appearance that is most often a much more accurate reflection of that person. While patients will recognize a dramatic improvement in their overall look, others will note a much more refreshed appearance without any thought that a surgical procedure was performed.

An upper lid blepharoplasty will remove the excess skin and any fat bulging in the upper lids. A lower lid blepharoplasty will achieve the same results on the lower lids. In both procedures, the incision is hidden in the crease (upper lid) or along the lash line (lower lid) and remains imperceptible when healed. Combined, these procedures take just over an hour to complete and result in little, if any, postoperative discomfort.


There will be some swelling and bruising around the eyes which, after a week, can easily be concealed with makeup. The few small sutures that are placed during the operation will be removed after one week. You can easily return to routine activities in 5-7 days.


Dr. DeLuca is committed to fulfilling his patients’ aesthetic visions and obtaining absolute patient satisfaction. Book an appointment today and let Dr. DeLuca guide you in developing your personal approach to achieving your aesthetic goals.

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DR.DELUCA Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
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